Unpack Food

One month to kick your cravings goodbye.

Addiction to junk food has blocked our sensitivity and appreciation for real food. Take 30 days to wipe the slate clean and rewire your tastebuds by reintroducing simple foods back in the right way. You'll save boatloads of time and money, too.

The Rules

  1. You start by choosing one fruit, one vegetable, and one plant-based protein to eat for Day 1. Only eat those foods for Day 1. Eat as much as you'd like.
  2. For the next 30 days you can add one whole food per day into your meal plan—it can be a fruit, a vegetable, or a plant-based protein. Every day you get to choose that one new food to add in.
  3. Foods can be cooked (steamed, boiled, baked without oil, etc.) or cut, but cannot be mixed or blended, even with foods also in the mealplan.
  4. Use spices/herbs as desired, but try to not overdo it and allow the actual food to shine through.
  5. Optional: Read one article about mindfulness and healthy eating each day (our selection here).

Want company? Stay in the loop with any Unpack Food challenge groups and updates here.


Why Mindfulness . The Math . Math (cont.) . Mixing Stuff . What's Plant Protein . And Roots? . And Grains? . The Vegan (or not) Situation . Gimme One Rule . On Brevity . Reach Out

What's with the mindfulness stuff?

Our taste buds have been under assault by junk food and mindless eating. Eating mindfully means chewing, tasting, and savoring the flavors and textures in every bite.

According to my math, you're telling me the first day you can only eat three foods?!

Yes. We're serious. Every day after that you add another food.

Do I need to eat all the foods allowed for any day?

No way. That would be crazy. By day 30 you'll have 33 foods reintroduced. Eat whatever you want.

No mixing? Does that mean no salads?

Correct, no salads. No dressing. You'll actually taste lettuce for the first time. It has a crisp crunch with a subtle yet refreshing taste. And if you were also wondering, that means no juices, smoothies, soups, or sandwiches, either.

What is considered plant-based protein?

Legumes, nuts, and seeds. Things like like quinoa and kaniwa are ok too. The idea here is not to OD on carbs and add some protein/fats in.

What about roots?

Root veggies are veggies. If it grows from the ground, you're fine. Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, squashes—all good in their plain cooked form.

What about grains?

If it's your birthday and you want to treat yourself to the more carb-heavy whole barley, whole oats, wild rice, or brown rice that is ok. No flours though, so if you're gonna have any wheat, it's gotta be plain cooked wheat berries.

Is this a vegan plan?

Whatever you do after 30 days is up to you. For the 30 days we recommend sticking to the plant-based approach, but if you love your meat/chicken/fish/eggs/milk—go for it. But remember, it's still gotta be plain. Chicken has got to look like a cooked chicken. Meat has gotta be clean cut. No deli food. Milk is just plain milk, no milk-derived products like cheese or butter.

Too many rules for me to remember. What's easy to keep in mind?

Ask yourself if the food looks and tastes like the food right when it was first picked from the farm. If it looks or tastes different, avoid it. Otherwise, enjoy however much of it you want.

Why is this site shorter than other diet sites?

This website is a reflection of your new diet: simple. Leave out the junk. No gimmicks. Life is beautiful when simple.

More Q's?

Drop us a note here.